Stroke (Cerebral Vascular Accident)
O que é AVC?
OCerebral Vascular Accident (CVA), popularly known as a stroke, is a sudden condition, which usually occurs in the form of loss of strength in a limb, loss of consciousness, or a sudden episode of mental confusion.
There are two types of stroke, the typeischemic, which is when blood flow to the brain is cut off due to a blocked artery, and one typehemorrhagic, when the blood flow is altered by the presence of a bleeding in the brain.
Oischemic stroke it can be caused by several factors, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, smoking, heart disorders, among others. When some of these factors are combined, the chance of having a stroke greatly increases.
The hemorrhagic stroke it usually happens in association with uncontrolled arterial hypertension, aneurysms, or when there is a weakening of the vessels, associated with amyloid angiopathy, a condition present in older people.
After having a stroke, it is very important to investigate the true cause of the event so that a new stroke can be properly avoided. That's right, it's not because there was one that you can't have an event again! Hence the importance of having adequate follow-up with the neurologist.
O AVC hemorrágico acontece geralmente associado a hipertensão arterial não controlada, aneurismas, ou então quando há um enfraquecimento dos vasos, associado a angiopatia amilóide, uma condição presente em pessoas mais idosas.
Após ter um AVC é muito importante investigar a verdadeira causa do evento para que se possa evitar adequadamente um novo AVC. Isso pois, não é porque teve um que não se possa ter de novo um evento! Daí a importância de ter um acompanhamento adequado com o neurologista.
After having had a stroke, the job ofrehabilitation withphysiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, nutritionist are very important to minimize the consequences and make the patient resume his functions and daily activities as soon as possible.
The use ofbotulinum toxin by the neurologist has been growing, with the aim of reducing sequelae such as spasticity, with great results. Its use should be evaluated in order to improve the function of the limb and its usefulness.