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Injecção de enchimento facial

Understand how botulinum toxin works

Botulinum toxin acts by relaxing the musculature, and can be used for aesthetic purposes, or to improve a motor function, as in spasticity, or the action of a gland (such as a salivary or sweat gland).

Treatment of facial spasms with botulinum toxin

espasmo facial tratamento

Botulinum Toxin
in the treatment of spasticity

Fotografia com tema azul
dor de cabeça

Botulinum Toxin
in the treatment of headache, migraine and pain syndromes

toxina botulínica
botox para enxaqueca e paralisia

Botulinum Toxin in Facial Harmonization

Aplicação de medicina cosmética

How to soften and prevent expression marks with botulinum toxin

Botox para homens rugas


Service is performed atclinic, but it can also bedomestic, when the person has any limitation to move, for example.

Consultations are always carried out with prior scheduling of the consultation, where an individualized budget and planning will be carried out. In the consultation, the indication of the procedure is also evaluated! Our phone and whatsapp is(41) 98717-4780.

All complementary exams can be requested by health plans, leaving the cost accessible to the patient. 

If the indication is neurological, the material, such as botulinum toxin, can still be requested by the plan as well.

In addition, the consultation fee may be refunded directly by your plan. Each health plan in this case has its own guideline. It is important to consult your rights. Even more important is to be seen by a specialized and experienced doctor!



Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 

8:00 am to 6:00 pm

neurlogia curitiba
Do you know the history ofbotulinum toxin? want to meet?
Come with me!

© 2023

Avenida Sete de Setembro 4923,Rooms 301/302 - Batel Curitiba/PR       Phone: (41) 98717-4780

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